- started cmake buildsystem
[genesis3d.git] / rfvfs / ReadMe.txt
1 Reality Factory VFS Explorer\r
2 ----------------------------\r
3 \r
4 The VFS Explorer allows you to combine most of your game resources (actors, bitmaps,\r
5 sounds and levels) into one large file, which can be accessed by Reality Factory. This\r
6 "Pack" or "VFS" file, as they are known, can also be encrypted to prevent others from\r
7 extracting and using your resources.\r
8 \r
9 Using VFS Explorer\r
10 ------------------\r
11 \r
12 After running the program you will see a tree view of an empty Reality Factory resource\r
13 file directory and a column of buttons. These buttons are as follows :\r
14 \r
15 New     - emptys the tree view and sets up the default directory structure. All previous\r
16         files will be lost.\r
17 \r
18 Open    - opens a VFS file and displays it in the tree view. All previous files will be\r
19         lost. If the VFS file is encrypted you will be asked to enter the encryption\r
20         key before the file is opened.\r
21 \r
22 Add     - adds files to the currently selected folder. Use Shift or Cntl to select\r
23         multiple files to add.\r
24 \r
25 Rename  - renames the selected file or folder.\r
26 \r
27 Delete  - deletes the selected file or folder. You will be asked to confirm the deletion\r
28         before it takes place. If a folder is deleted all the files in that folder are\r
29         also deleted.\r
30 \r
31 Extract - extracts a file from the VFS file and saves to a user selected location.\r
32 \r
33 MkDir   - creates a new subfolder of the currently selected folder. If a file is currently\r
34         selected the folder that contains it will be used as the parent folder.\r
35 \r
36 Save    - saves the tree view to a VFS file. If the "Use Encryption on Saving" box is\r
37         checked then you will be prompted to enter the encryption key before the file\r
38         is created.\r
39 \r
40 Double clicking on a file in the tree view will open that file using the program that\r
41 Windows has associated with it.\r
42 \r
43 Encryption\r
44 ----------\r
45 \r
46 VFS Explorer uses an encryption method of the "cheap lock" class. This will keep out the\r
47 honest folk but could be broken by a hacker. The encryption key used is 4 characters long,\r
48 although it can be shorter (giving less encryption). If you give the wrong key when opening\r
49 an encrypted file it will still load but the file contents will be garbage. No indication\r
50 is given that the wrong key was used, as VFS Explorer cannot tell if this happened. So\r
51 don't forget your encryption key. The current version of Reality Factory (0.5.4) does not\r
52 support encryption, although it will be in later versions.\r
53 \r
54 General Information\r
55 -------------------\r
56 \r
57 Not all resources can be placed in a VFS file. Those that can are :\r
58 \r
59         1. all actors\r
60         2. all bitmaps\r
61         3. most Wav files\r
62         4. all level BSP files\r
63 \r
64 What can't be placed in a VFS file are :\r
65 \r
66         1. Wav files used as streaming audio\r
67         2. Midi files\r
68         3. Avi files\r
69 \r
70 These files are accessed directly by Windows, which cannot read them from a VFS file.\r
71 \r
72 The current version of Reality Factory (0.5.4) attempts to load the resources from the\r
73 VFS file first, then checks the disk directory second. This will be swapped in later\r
74 versions so you can replace a resource simply by placing the new version in the correct\r
75 directory, where it will be loaded first.\r
76 \r
77 The VFS file must reside in the same directory as realityfactory.exe in order for the \r
78 file to be opened properly.\r
79 \r
80 Minimum VFS Contents\r
81 --------------------\r
82 \r
83 The following files are needed by Reality Factory as minimum resources in a VFS file. To\r
84 this list can be added all resources needed by your level(s). Note that the demo level\r
85 second.bsp uses the Wav file laughter3.wav and this is included in the Media\Audio\r
86 folder. It is not needed in the VFS file for minimum content.\r
87 \r
88 Directory                       File\r
89 ---------                       ----\r
90 Media\Actors                    bolt.act\r
91                                 ernie.act\r
92                                 grenade.act\r
93                                 proj.act\r
94                                 rocket.act\r
95                                 vbat.act\r
96                                 vchain.act\r
97                                 vgrenade.act\r
98                                 vmgun.act\r
99                                 vrocket.act\r
100                                 vsword.act\r
101                                 wbat.act\r
102                                 wchain.act\r
103                                 wgrenade.act\r
104                                 wmgun.act\r
105                                 wrocket.act\r
106                                 wsword.act\r
107 \r
108 Media\Audio                     bathit.wav\r
109                                 bounce.wav\r
110                                 bulletfire.wav\r
111                                 grenade.wav\r
112                                 grenexp.wav\r
113                                 loopbzzt.wav\r
114                                 mimpact.wav\r
115                                 mlaunch.wav\r
116                                 onebzzt.wav\r
117                                 rockexp.wav\r
118                                 rockfire.wav\r
119                                 rockfly.was\r
120                                 startup.wav\r
121                                 swordhit.wav\r
122                                 swordmiss.wav\r
123 \r
124 Media\Audio\Menu                pop1.wav\r
125                                 pop2.wav\r
126 \r
127 Media\Bitmaps                   a_bubl.bmp\r
128                                 a_flame.bmp\r
129                                 a_lvsmoke.bmp\r
130                                 a_rain.bmp\r
131                                 attitude_g.bmp\r
132                                 attitude_i.bmp\r
133                                 bolt.bmp\r
134                                 bubl.bmp\r
135                                 corona.bmp\r
136                                 corona_a.bmp\r
137                                 flame03.bmp\r
138                                 g_bubble.bmp\r
139                                 happiness_g.bmp\r
140                                 happiness_i.bmp\r
141                                 health_g.bmp\r
142                                 health_i.bmp\r
143                                 hud1.bmp\r
144                                 lvsmoke.bmp\r
145                                 mana_g.bmp\r
146                                 mana_i.bmp\r
147                                 rain.bmp\r
148                                 rflogo.bmp\r
149 \r
150 Media\Bitmaps\Explode           1exp01.bmp\r
151                                 1exp02.bmp\r
152                                 1exp03.bmp\r
153                                 1exp04.bmp\r
154                                 1exp05.bmp\r
155                                 1exp06.bmp\r
156                                 a_1exp01.bmp\r
157                                 a_1exp02.bmp\r
158                                 a_1exp03.bmp\r
159                                 a_1exp04.bmp\r
160                                 a_1exp05.bmp\r
161                                 a_1exp06.bmp\r
162                                 a_expl1.bmp\r
163                                 a_expl2.bmp\r
164                                 a_expl3.bmp\r
165                                 a_expl4.bmp\r
166                                 a_expl5.bmp\r
167                                 a_expl6.bmp\r
168                                 a_expl7.bmp\r
169                                 a_sexp1.bmp\r
170                                 a_sexp2.bmp\r
171                                 a_sexp3.bmp\r
172                                 a_sexp4.bmp\r
173                                 a_sexp5.bmp\r
174                                 a_sexp6.bmp\r
175                                 a_sexp7.bmp\r
176                                 expl1.bmp\r
177                                 expl2.bmp\r
178                                 expl3.bmp\r
179                                 expl4.bmp\r
180                                 expl5.bmp\r
181                                 expl6.bmp\r
182                                 expl7.bmp\r
183                                 sexp1.bmp\r
184                                 sexp2.bmp\r
185                                 sexp3.bmp\r
186                                 sexp4.bmp\r
187                                 sexp5.bmp\r
188                                 sexp6.bmp\r
189                                 sexp7.bmp\r
190 \r
191 Media\Explode\Fx                a_smk01.bmp\r
192                                 a_smk02.bmp\r
193                                 a_smk03.bmp\r
194                                 a_smk04.bmp\r
195                                 a_smk05.bmp\r
196                                 a_smk06.bmp\r
197                                 a_smk07.bmp\r
198                                 a_smk08.bmp\r
199                                 a_smk09.bmp\r
200                                 a_smk1.bmp\r
201                                 a_smk2.bmp\r
202                                 a_smk3.bmp\r
203                                 a_smk4.bmp\r
204                                 a_smk21.bmp\r
205                                 a_smk22.bmp\r
206                                 a_smk23.bmp\r
207                                 a_smk24.bmp\r
208                                 a_smk25.bmp\r
209                                 parti1.bmp\r
210                                 parti2.bmp\r
211                                 parti3.bmp\r
212                                 parti4.bmp\r
213                                 parti5.bmp\r
214                                 parti6.bmp\r
215                                 parti7.bmp\r
216                                 parti8.bmp\r
217                                 smk1.bmp\r
218                                 smk2.bmp\r
219                                 smk3.bmp\r
220                                 smk4.bmp\r
221                                 smk21.bmp\r
222                                 smk22.bmp\r
223                                 smk23.bmp\r
224                                 smk24.bmp\r
225                                 smk25.bmp\r
226                                 smoke_01.bmp\r
227                                 smoke_02.bmp\r
228                                 smoke_03.bmp\r
229                                 smoke_04.bmp\r
230                                 smoke_05.bmp\r
231                                 smoke_06.bmp\r
232                                 smoke_07.bmp\r
233                                 smoke_08.bmp\r
234                                 smoke_09.bmp\r
235                                 smoke_10.bmp\r
236 \r
237 Media\Explode\Menu              a_cour8b.bmp\r
238                                 a_cour11b.bmp\r
239                                 a_cour12b.bmp\r
240                                 a_cour14b.bmp\r
241                                 a_cour16b.bmp\r
242                                 a_cour20b.bmp\r
243                                 a_cour25b.bmp\r
244                                 a_credits.bmp\r
245                                 a_crosshair.bmp\r
246                                 a_cursor.bmp\r
247                                 a_images.bmp\r
248                                 a_images1.bmp\r
249                                 a_remap.bmp\r
250                                 a_titles.bmp\r
251                                 background.bmp\r
252                                 cour8b.bmp\r
253                                 cour11b.bmp\r
254                                 cour12b.bmp\r
255                                 cour14b.bmp\r
256                                 cour16b.bmp\r
257                                 cour20b.bmp\r
258                                 cour25b.bmp\r
259                                 credits.bmp\r
260                                 crosshair.bmp\r
261                                 cursor.bmp\r
262                                 images.bmp\r
263                                 images1.bmp\r
264                                 loading.bmp\r
265                                 remap.bmp\r
266                                 titles.bmp\r
267 \r
268 Files Required for a Demo\r
269 -------------------------\r
270 \r
271 To make a complete demo package of Reality Factory you must have these files. This assumes\r
272 you have placed all the .act, .bmp, .wav and .bsp files required by your level(s) into the\r
273 VFS file.\r
274 \r
275 Directory                       File\r
276 ---------                       ----\r
277 \r
278 <root>                          d3ddrv.dll\r
279                                 glidedrv.dll\r
280                                 hud.ini (if required)\r
281                                 menu.ini (or replacement ini file)\r
282                                 player.ini (if required)\r
283                                 pack.vfs (or replacement vfs file)\r
284                                 realityfactory.exe\r
285                                 realityfactory.ini\r
286                                 softdrv.dll\r
287                                 softdrv2.dll\r
288 \r
289 <root>\Media\Audio              Any .wav files used for streaming audio\r
290 \r
291 <root>\Media\Midi               Any .mid files used\r
292 \r
293 <root>\Media\Video              Any .avi files used\r